
products & concepts

…that can make a difference to
the quality of life of people


What we do

Intercedo is presently focussing on the development of medical products for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease through its principal ownership and involvement in Dizlin Pharmaceuticals AB. For more information, please refer to



The Intercedo group was founded more than 30 years ago. The group’s activities were for long centred around the international health & beauty industry with manufacturing plants and sales organisations in Sweden, Great Britain, and the Netherlands. The group has also been involved in the development and production of products for industrial automation. The Intercedo group products have been sold to more than 40 countries throughout the world. Providing financing to the group’s customers has always been a vital part of the group’s strategy and wholly owned financing companies have played an important role in supporting the sales of the group’s products on major markets.30

Strategic change

The Intercedo group has changed its strategy in recent years directing its activities towards research and development. The main interest has also gradually shifted to the medical field. Along with the strategic change the Intercedo group has divested its operations outside Sweden and the number of companies has been reduced from about 20 companies to a few research oriented Sweden-based enterprises.

The future

Intercedo’s goal is to continue participating in partnerships and companies, which are involved in the development of products and methods directed towards improving people’s quality of life.

years in the business
coffee cups this week

OUR Latest news



Nobel prize winner becomes member of the Board of Directors

Dec 2013

Professor Emeritus Arvid Carlsson, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2000, became in December 2013 a member of the Board of Directors of Dizlin Pharmaceuticals AB, in which Intercedo is a principal owner.

New technique for early-stage development of medical drugs

Sep 2012

Transientic Interactions AB, in which Intercedo is a principal owner, has launched a new method for pre-clinical development of medical drugs. The new method named WAC (Weak Affinity Chromatography) has been developed by Professor Sten Olsson at the Linné University at Kalmar, Sweden.

Intercedo fulfils criteria for being appointed a gazelle company

Dec 2010

The Intercedo Group was appointed a Gazelle company in 2010. The award is issued by Scandinavia’s leading business magazine, Dagens Industri. The Gazelle – being a fast-running Antelope – symbolizes a fast-moving and progressive company.

Intercedo AB

Prästgårdsgatan 11
SE-598 36 Vimmerby


+46 708 77 88 99

Contact us

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us should you have any questions!

Dec 2013

Nobel prize winner becomes member of the Board of Directors

Professor Emeritus Arvid Carlsson, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2000, became in December 2013 a member of the Board of Directors of Dizlin Pharmaceuticals AB, in which Intercedo is a principal owner. Arvid Carlsson was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work with the neuro transmitter dopamine and its effects in Parkinson’s disease. He received the award for his discovery that dopamine is a signal substance in the brain and that dopamine is of major significance to the control of our movements. Arvid Carlsson was able to demonstrate that dopamine acts as a message carrier molecule in the brain, and that a shortage of this substance gives rise to impaired motor skills in the case of Parkinson’s disease. In clinical studies, an agent which is converted into dopamine in the brain –L-dopa- was found to lead to massively improved motor skills in many severely disabled patients.
Ever since then, L-dopa has been the preferred drug for treatment of Parkinson’s disease. This is despite unfavourable side effects occurring with L-dopa treatment over time, which eventually lead to severe on-off problems. Clinical studies have shown that the on-off problems caused by oral intake of L-dopa diminish when using Dizlin Medical Designs medical drug Infudopa, which enables L-dopa to be administered continuously via subcutaneous infusion using a small pump like the ones used for administration of insulin. Now Parkinson’s disease can be treated in the same way as is Diabetes. When Infudopa was presented to Arvid Carlsson he stated “I have an ethical responsibility to see to it that Infudopa will become available to the PD-patients”. The Chairman of Dizlin, Leif Bring, says: “I am very pleased about Arvid Carlsson showing that much interest in Infudopa –we could not have got a better recognition and it will certainly help further development of the drug as well as the introduction of it to the market”.

Sep 2012

New technique for early-stage development of medical drugs

Transientic Interactions AB, in which Intercedo is a principal owner, has launched a new method for pre-clinical development of medical drugs. The new method named WAC (Weak Affinity Chromatography) has been developed by Professor Sten Olsson at the Linné University at Kalmar, Sweden. The large Multinational Pharmaceutical Company, Astra Zeneca, and the world’s largest medical equipment manufacturer, Agilent, have both participated in the development of the method. WAC was launched at FBLD (Fragment-based Lead Discovery Conference) in San Francisco, USA in September 2012.

Fragment Screening is the latest technique used by the pharmaceutical industry for discovering new molecules that may be medical drug candidates. Large amounts of substances are scanned –it is easily 10 000 and up to 500 000 per screening. WAC is a new more efficient way of performing fragment screening than the traditional High Throughput Techniques: Increased efficiency is of utmost importance considering the large amount of substances being screened. In addition, WAC, gives more information e.g. the affinity (chemical bond) beween the molecules. A brittish participant at FBLD exclaimed: “WAC is the biggest news presented at this conference at it will make a difference in drug discovery from now on”.

Dec 2010

Intercedo fulfils criteria for being appointed a gazelle company

The Intercedo Group was appointed a Gazelle company in 2010. The award is issued by Scandinavia’s leading business magazine, Dagens Industri. The Gazelle – being a fast-running Antelope – symbolizes a fast-moving and progressive company. A number of conditions needs to be fulfilled in order for a company to qualify for being a Gazelle company.

A Gazelle company must have:
  • Shown continuous growth three years in a row (the latest three years)
  • At least doubled its turnover during the same period
  • Been profitable during the same period
  • Sound finances
  • By and large, grown organically
  • Published at least four annual reports in a row